
Kouprey (Bos Sauveli): The National Mammal of Cambodia

The Koupreys “Bos Sauveli” is a little-known, forest-dwelling, wild bovine species from Southeast Asia. Koupreys is a mammal species identified as a symbol for the Cambodian nation and a rare animal in the world.

What is Cambodia’s National Mammal? Understating to the Nature of Kouprey

Kouprey (Wild Ox): The National Mammal of Cambodia
Kouprey (Bos Sauveli): The National Mammal of Cambodia

The Kouprey, an original Khmer species, has been recognized worldwide and named in Khmer version by international biologists even though English, Spanish and French call it Kouprey. Its scientific name is “Bos Sauveli”.

In the pre-war period, hunting of the Kouprey was prohibited by declaration No.191 dated January 20, 1960. After the Pol Pot regime, hunting was again prohibited by declaration No. 359 dated August 01, 1994, issued by Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries. Kouprey was classified as a critical endangered species according to the IUCN Red List. International Trade of this species is banned, following Appendix 1 of the CITES Convention and Migratory Species Convention. In the 1960s, the King of Cambodia identifies and declared the Kouprey as the Cambodia natural heritage symbol.

It has been written about in popular Khmer songs, especially some melodies, describing the richness of nature and the important of comparability of human, animals, and nature for peace and prosperity. Kouprey were often found in herds of 20 or more and also found with gaur, banteng or sambar deer. They are more intelligent, more industrious and more easily frightened than other species in their family and they are strong, agile, and good at smelling and fast moving. Kouprey can tolerate sunlight, low quality food and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (SBP) diseases.

In 2005, His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni issued a Royal Decree proclaiming Kouprey as the Cambodian National Mammal.  

Kouprey’s Size and Biological

Koupreys measure 2.1 to 2.3 meters along the head and body, not including a 1m tail, and stand 1.7 to 1.9 meters high at the shoulder. Their weight is reportedly from 680 to 910 kilograms, nearly a ton. Its weight, height, and body length can be varied depending on the favorable condition of geographical, climate and genetic.  

Koupreys have tall, narrow, bodies, long legs and humped backs. They can be dark brown (young age), grey (adult age), dark grey or black (old age), depending on its age cycle. The Kouprey is similar to the gaur or banteng but they are unique in having a very long dewlap hanging from the neck, in old males almost reaching the ground. The horns of the female are lyre-shaped with antelope-like upward spirals. The horns of the male are wide and arch forward and upward, they begin to fray at the tips at about three years of age. Both sexes have notched nostrils and long tails.

Kouprey’s Biological

Koupreys live in low, partially forested hills, where they eat mainly grasses. Their preferred habitat is open forest and savannas often near thick monsoon forests. They are diurnal, eating in the open at night and under the forest cover during the day. They usually travel up to 15 kilometers in a night. They live in herds of up to 20 and are usually led by a single female. These herds generally consist of cows and calves, but have bulls during the dry season. Older males form bachelor herds. Many herds are known to break up and rejoin as they travel and have been found to be mixed in with herds of banteng or wild buffalo. Their breeding season is started during April and delivered in December or January. The Pregnancy of female Koupreys is in the 8 to 9 months and only one baby is born. The pregnant Koupreys leave the herds in deep forest to give birth, and when their children grow old for a month, they bring their new born back to the herds.

Kouprey’s Population

Historical distribution of this species included Cambodia, southern Laos, southern Thailand, and western Vietnam. They are thought to be extinct in all areas outside of Cambodia. If still extant, it likely exists in Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary (Ratanakiri Province), Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondul Seima Biodiversity Conservation Area, and some provinces including Siem Reap, Oddar Meanchey, and Preah Vihear.

They are found in the north of Cambodia. The black-color Koupreys were first recognized as a special breed in 1937. But the deforestation and poaching have left this animal to be lost. Many experts believe in the scientific observation that this animal was last seen in Cambodia in 1957, while Banteng (Bos Javanicus) exist approximately 2,700 to 5,700 which were the large number in the world. However, it is estimated that there are fewer than 250 Koupreys in the world. In 1937, a Koupreys was captured in Cambodia and sent to the Vincennes Zoo in Paris, France. During the war, the hunt for a Koupreys has been banned by the 191st Statement dated January 20, 1960. The King of Cambodia determined and made the statement that Koupreys was Cambodia’s natural resource in 1960s. After the Pol Pot regime, hunting was again prohibited by declaration No. 359 dated August 01, 1994, issued by Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries.

In 2008 Kouprey was classified as a critical endangered species according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) report. International Trade of this species is banned, following Appendix 1 of the CITES Convention and Migratory Species Convention.

Kouprey’s Unique Features

As mentioned above, it is related to the beauty of Koupreys, which is defined as a national symbol. The features of Koupreys are as follow:

  • An animal with a strong, robust appearance, powerful, and can move fast.
  • An animal with a gentle temperament, not​ fierce, not abuse other animals.
  • An animal that resistant to the sunshine or other diseases and consume less food.
  • Especially, the Koupreys has a sense of well-being, smell and sensation of information that is around or away from itself.   

Why Kouprey is The National Mammal in Cambodia?

The Koupreys have been fascinated and cared for since the 1950s. the Organization, which has a role in the research and conservation of this species, is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The Koupreys is regarded as symbol of the Kingdom of Cambodia by the Royal Decrees NS/RKT/0305/149 dated 21st March 2005. The defining Koupreys as a symbolic of Cambodia seems to be deflected or defeated by other countries. This is a preliminary calculation based on only one point. So, what are some of the reasons why we consider the Koupreys as symbols for our country?

Certainly, the kind of determinations due to the fact that the Koupreys has distinctive features from other animals that link to the meaning of Khmer nationality. The first feature is heat resistant, diseases, food which all are represent the Khmer characteristics, tolerance, perseverance, high effort to work, or overcome obstacles. We can see the resistance of our race by many factors. Among these factors, the most visible of all is the architectural construction of ancient temples. Khmer ancestors have built these temples for decades and consume overwhelming labor forces till accomplished, and left such precious treasures for the next generation. This is a very straightforward way of tolerance and the high effort of Khmer people. On the other hand, if Khmer people have no consciousness effort with patience, then we certainly do not have a great legacy that is now lingering in the international stage.

The second special feature of Koupreys is its dynamic, agile, energetic characteristic that represents the Khmer character as a race of power, spirit, courage, and deserve as an inheritance of Angkor. The other feature is that its gentle character is a factor that reflects the kindness, mindset, personality of Khmer, with gentleness living in security and not violating others. This point is also linked Khmer belief.

The most superb and most important reason for determining the Koupreys is the symbol of nation due to it is being the rarest species in the world. They are highly prized for this species and are intrigued in conservation. While the world concludes that this species has been lost in a number by various ways, Cambodia still has this rare species in the country. Therefore, considering Koupreys as national symbol in order to show the potential of natural resources to other countries.

On the other hand, the Koupreys are closely linked to the cultural and perceptions of the Cambodian people. It has long been written in Khmer folk songs, and in particular the narrative of nature by matching the harmony of human, animal and nature living. This folk song is also included in the educational program of the Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports, also known as “Sorya L’ngeach Th’ngai” (Mahori Music).

Overall, some of the above-mentioned points are the main reasons leading to the identification of the Koupreys as National symbol. Due to its value and special attribute, therefore, in the northeastern province (Mondulkiri) there is built a statue of a couple of Koupreys is in the middle of the town.


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